News: The Dark Knight Teases

Warner Bros aren't dumb. What do you do when you have a dead-cert runaway hit on the cards? Attach a trailer to the front of it for the next one. Yup, the final Harry Potter released this last weekend had the first teaser for The Dark Knight Rises attached to it. Now it's online...

Watch it here!

My take? Well, there's not much to have an opinion on, but the very brief glimpses of new footage (most of it's actually from Batman Begins rather than The Dark Knight) are suitably tantalising, and the logo made out of buildings is nifty. The allusions to Begins are hopefully suggesting a stylistic connection - I preferred that one in terms of its visuals and atmosphere. Certainly new big bad Bane (Tom Hardy, from Inception) looks suitably menacing. No hint of Selena Kyle/Catwoman (Anne Hathaway), however.

Really, trailers are almost redundant for this film. You could just put the title on the screen with the release date for two minutes and people would applaud.

On that subject - I don't like the title. It sounds awkward, especially grouped with the other two (it really should have been The Dark Knight Begins, in retrospect). And everything is 'Rising' these days. Including those damn dirty apes.


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