News: Fincher's Dragon Tattoo gets a trailer

"The feel bad movie of Christmas" is what the trailer actually sells this movie as. The movie in question? David Fincher's version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, the English-language adaptation of Steig Larsson's monumentally best-selling thriller novel.

The trailer can be found here at Apple.

If you ask me, it's a pretty stunning, very effective teaser. And it definitely is just a teaser - comprising a succession of fast cuts to a cover of Immigrant Song. It's reminiscent of the teaser for Fincher's last outing, the rather well received The Social Network.

Is Fincher "respectable" now? It seems that way, with his last two movies - Network and Benjamin Button, having been in the race for Best Picture. Up to and including Zodiac (which I still insist is one of the best films of the last decade), his work was generally not embraced by the awards crowd. You could say that his more awards-recognised films since then have coincided with a softening of his previously severe styling, which is partly what made his earlier films so good. Could Dragon Tattoo be Fincher's return to dark, amazing thriller territory that he made his name with in Se7en?

Dragon Tattoo, of course, has already been made into a Swedish movie (a trilogy, indeed, encompassing Larsson's whole series), which I've been meaning to see. I haven't read the books either. I might just wait until Christmas, so I can see this new Fincher outing fresh. It certainly has me intrigued.

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