Editorial: Uwe Boll is a Genius

Uwe Boll is the greatest living director on Earth.

At least, that's what he seems to think. For those who haven't seen his films or even heard of him (the lucky ones), he's a German director of absolutely dreadful, but surprisingly glossy B-movies mostly based on videogames, including House of the Dead and Alone in the Dark. Fairly recently an online petition was started to demand that he stops making films entirely, and Boll has even responded, saying that if there are a million signatures he will actually comply. Currently there are over 206,000. (Find it here if you want to add your name.)

Recently Boll has made a filmed statement relating to this, which has to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Enjoy.

If he's serious in the above video, that just proves he is a complete moron. If he's joking, the man may be right - he might be a genius.

This leaves me in a bit of a moral quandary. Yes, he makes awful, dire films (calling them films is an insult to the medium, really) but they are entertainingly terrible. House of the Dead, for example, is absolutely hilarious. In some perverse, masochistic way, world cinema may be a lesser place without him.

There is also a pro-Boll petition, here, which currently has the rather pitiful total of 4,464 signatures. I haven't signed either of the petitions due to my dilemma.

Whatever Boll ends up doing - and I really can't see him giving up, a million signatures or not - his latest "masterpiece", Postal, is due out in the US in May, and early word actually suggests it may not be utter balls. In the UK, we've got the DVD release of In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale to look forward to, starring our own Jason Statham and a whole load of other recognisable names who should know better. I can't wait.

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