Sony Pictures Hate You

I was expecting to be able to see Spider-Man 3 on the IMAX screen next week. There was even a trailer for it before the IMAX showing of 300. But no, apparently Sony aren't sending any IMAX prints at all to the UK. Thanks a lot, corporate cronies.

Anyway, that got me thinking. Of all the big studios, Sony seem to be the most soulless to me. I know Hollywood works just to make money from people, but Sony's output generally seems so bland. I do give them credit for hiring Sam Raimi to direct the Spider-Man series but even those films have too much of a moderated, mass-produced sheen if you ask me. It's also reflected in their DVDs, which tend to have slick but unpersonal extras.

Maybe I'm being too harsh. All the studios are now owned by big multinationals these days. Warner Brothers seem to have the right idea though: they give big-budget films to talented young directors and seem to give them fairly free reign, for better or worse (Batman Begins, Superman Returns, The Matrix) - they make generally satisfying DVDs, and, importantly for me, THEY PUT THEIR FILMS ON IMAX OVER HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

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